Wednesday, 12 March 2014

best facebook tips and tricks 2014


Best Facebook Tips/Tricks of All Time:

Share Animated GIF Images on Facebook:

Edit Facebook Login Page with Browser Hack:

  • Go to, the usual facebook login page.
  • Now, clear the address bar. Copy the code below and paste it in your address bar.
  javascript:document.body.contentEditable='true'; document.designMode='on'; void 0

  • Make sure that javascript: is present at the beginning of the code or else this trick doesn't work.Then hit Enter.
  • Once you have completed above step, you can easily edit all the contents of the Facebook login page.
  Eg. Select any text and hit on Backspace. The text will be deleted.

In this way, you can easily add your name to the Facebook page.

An Easy way to view Private Facebook Profile Picture in Full size:

Some people on Facebook set their image privacy settings to "Only me".We will not be able to see their images in full size.Here is a simple work around technique using which you can see image in full size.
  • Go to the Timeline of the person.
  • Right click on the profile pick and choose the option open image in new tab from menu.
  • Then the image will open in a separate window.
  • Now just remove s160X160 from the url of the screenshot and hit enter.
  • Now you will be able to see the image in full size.
FB larger+image

Watch Streaming TV Live on Facebook:

There is a Facebook Application that provides free streaming live TV channels on Facebook.You can watch a lot of International Channels using this Application.I am able to watch live channels without buffering on my 2G connection.This application is totally at free of cost.2012 Olympics are also broadcasted on this channel.
  Application Used:

Send SMS from Facebook:

Yes you are right now you can send sms from facebook.There are no country restrictions.You can send sms to any country.The message sending is instant and takes only few seconds to reach the destination.All this is possible with a cool facebook application.

  • Select your country.
  • Then in the next line enter the mobile number to which you want to send sms.
  • After that enter your message that you want to deliver.

  • You can send only sms upto 100 characters long.
  • You can only send 4 SMS per day.
  • Dont do any illegal things with this service as it will first display your name at the beginning of the message.

Create a Video With Your Pictures on Facebook:

You can easily create a video with your Facebook Pictures.To create a video with your facebook photos go to[click here].

Trick to see who is online when you are offline:

Sometimes it becomes necessary to check who is online which being offline.At such times there is a very cool Facebook Application which can make your job easy.Use the below application to know who are online while you are offline.

Trick to publish empty status:

Login to your facebook account.Then click on update status and enter the following code and hit enter.
  @[2:2: ]

How to find who deleted/Unfriended you on facebook?

You can find who deleted or unfriended you on facebook using an application called who delete me[click here].This application will back up all your friends list when you sign up for the first time and notifies via mail whenever there is a change in your friends list.

Download Videos From Facebook For Free:

To download videos from facebook go to[click here ]There put the Facebook Url of video and your video will be ready to download.

Place Facebook Chat on Firefox Sidebar:

  • Open Mozilla Firefox browser and press Alt key.
  • Select bookmarks and select "show all bookmarks"
  • A box will open from that select unsorted bookmarks > organise >  new bookmark.
  • Again a box will open in that type "facebookchat" in first boxand type " " in second box .
  • Click on load this bookmark >add.
  • Now again press alt key > view > side bar > bookmarks>.
  • Then select facebook chat from the bookmarks in slide bar.
  • You are done.Now you will be able to see chat bar on the left side of your Mozilla Firefox Browser.

Post your Status in All Facebook Groups in a Single Click:

Some times you want to post your status or write message in all groups.If you do the job manually then its a time consuming frustrating process and you end up in posting your status only in few groups.But now your job has become very easy.There is a facebook application using which you can post your Facebook status in any number of groups you wish.
  Using Multiple Post Application you can make your job easy to post your status in multiple groups.

Facebook Ghost Profile Prank:

This is the best prank ever that I played on my friends. Ask your friends to check this [ GOST PROFILE ] . It will look like a scary ghost profile.But that's not the interesting part here, Ask your friend to click on photos. 
Here come the scary part, Out  of nowhere a ghost face comes out from the centre with a scary shout.
Your Friends shouts-Our prank rocks.
When I tried this prank on my friends few girls even shouted in fear.

Remove Facebook Advertisements:

Using this Greasemoney script-Facebook:Cleaner you can easily remove annoying Facebook Ads.

"6" facebook tricks 2014


1. View non-public profile photos in full size
You may have run into the issue of trying to find someone using Graph Search, only to discover you can’t quite make out their identity via their teeny-tiny profile picture. If said user has set their photo to private (in other words, if they’ve set it to be visible only ‘to me’), you won’t be able to see the full-sized photo.
The Trick
With this trick, you will be able to view any profile picture as full-sized, regardless of whether or not it’s marked as private.
Attention stalkers: Please disregard everything you’re about to read.
How to do it
1. Go to the profile picture you’d like to see and open it in a new tab or window (on Mac, Ctrl-Click and then ‘Open Image in New Tab’, on PC, right click and then ‘Open Image in New Tab’).
2. Go to new tab or window, to the address bar. You should see a portion of the url that looks something like this:
pic 1 637x15 6 (More) Interesting Facebook Tricks You Might Not Know
3. Remove the ‘s160x160’, and hit enter.
Voila! You should see the full sized image in your browser. Note that if the original picture was small, this trick won’t do you much good!

2. Download an entire Facebook photo album

Your brother has just uploaded 500 adorable pictures of his new baby daughter, and you’d like to save them to your computer. How do you do it? One picture at a time! Currently, this is the only way Facebook gives us to download photos.
The Trick
PhotoLive to the rescue! This handy little extension allows you to quickly and easily download entire photo albums from Facebook to your desktop.
How to do it
  1. Go to Photo Live and download the extension (please note, while it’s completely free, it does require registration including credit card information, although you will not be charged).
  2. Once it’s installed, you will see a button at the top of your Facebook page whenever you view a photo album. Clicking on it will download the album as a zip file to your computer.
It’s as simple as that!
photolive 637x317 6 (More) Interesting Facebook Tricks You Might Not Know
Image courtesy of Life Hack

3. Mute a conversation

If you’ve ever been roped into a group conversation on Facebook, you’ll appreciate this one. By default, Facebook will send you notifications on your phone and Facebook page whenever a new response is posted.
Particularly if you’re being messaged as part of a large group, the notifications can get pretty annoying.
The Trick
An easy way to ‘opt out’ of ongoing conversations is to simply ‘mute’ them. This will continue to allow you access to the conversation, however you won’t receive notifications of new comments.
How to do it
  1. Go into the offending message, and click on the Actions tab at the top right corner of the screen.
  2. Click on Mute Conversation, and all notifications will cease.
mute 6 (More) Interesting Facebook Tricks You Might Not Know
If you’re part of a group conversation, you can also choose to leave the conversation, however this would mean you lose access to future replies. By muting the conversation, you can continue to read new replies at your leisure.

4. Post a blank status update

Granted, I’m not sure why you’d want to do this. But should the need ever arise to post a completely blank update, you’ll know who to thank!
The Trick
Facebook doesn’t allow you to post a blank update, so if you attempt to publish a blank post, you’ll see this:
status empty 6 (More) Interesting Facebook Tricks You Might Not Know
Of course, you could just type in a period or underscore and have an almost blank post, but’s what’s the fun in that? If you’re going to go to the trouble of posting a blank update, you at least want your friends to wonder, ‘How did he do that?’
How to do it
To post a blank status update, simply type the following into your update box:
@[0:0: ]
And if you want to have several blank lines – you guessed it – just copy and paste the code onto multiple lines.
It appears that for some users, a question mark in a black diamond appears rather than a completely blank update. I’m not sure why this works differently for different users, but it may simply be a browser-related issue.

5. Disable Read Receipt

Everyone has a friend or client who messages them just a little too much on Facebook. And by default, as soon as you’ve read their message, they will see a note that the message has been read. This puts the pressure on you to respond to the message quickly, or risk appearing rude.
read receipt 6 (More) Interesting Facebook Tricks You Might Not Know
The Trick
While Facebook doesn’t allow you to turn off read receipts, there are third party apps that allow you to set up this feature, allowing you to go undetected on Facebook messages or chats.
The Facebook Unseen add-on for Chrome ensures no one can see whether or not you’ve read their messages, giving you an added layer of privacy and flexibility.
How to do it
1)      Download Facebook Unseen
2)      Once it’s installed, you should see the Facebook Unseen icon in your brower:
facebook unseen 6 (More) Interesting Facebook Tricks You Might Not Know
3)      Click on the icon to be sure it’s enabled. When it’s working, you should see the following message:
chat unseen enabled 6 (More) Interesting Facebook Tricks You Might Not Know

6. Find out who’s un-friended you

I urge you only to use this one if you have a very solid self-esteem. While Facebook doesn’t give you a way to see who has un-friended you, there are third party apps that will tell you exactly who has ditched you.
The Trick
By using you can find out exactly who has un-friended you, and you will even receive ongoing notifications when anything changes in terms of your Facebook friendships.
How to do it
1. Go to and login using Facebook.
facebook unseen window 637x416 6 (More) Interesting Facebook Tricks You Might Not Know
2. Allow the software access to your Facebook information.
3. Choose how you’d like to view your data: by the day, week or month.
friends and ex friends 6 (More) Interesting Facebook Tricks You Might Not Know
Note that it may take a while for accurate stats to show up. When I signed up, I got the following message:
“Have you just registered? Please note that we might not have sufficient data for you yet which explains the empty fields above. Once something changes we’ll have that on record here.”